Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas at the Bottom Of The World

Cargo Strap Christmas Tree created by the Materials/Logistics Team
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are the only two day weekends we get while we’re on the ice.

Friday night was just your average relaxing Friday night… dodgeball in the gym with 15 co-workers, then watching some movies in the lounge.

Saturday, December 24th

Christmas Caroling to the other stations and field camps.

On Saturday at noon, all US Antarctic stations tuned to our High-Frequency communications frequency to serenading the entire continent with Christmas Carols.  As we gathered around the communications office, we belted out the tunes while one of us held the mic open.  At the end of each song all of the other stations around the continent would cheer to let us know they had heard the song. 

The Dinner Menue

Christmas Dinner - Lobster Thermidor and Beef Wellington
Good Company
Saturday Evening was the formal Christmas Dinner, Beef Wellington, and Lobster Thermidor.  All of the food was fantastic!  It wasn’t home cooking, but it was incredible for being at the South Pole.

Christmas at Grandma's House

Live Christmas Rock Music

After dinner, the festivities commenced with a rock concert/Dance Party at “Grandma’s House” (the gymnasium). No photos were taken at the dance party to protect the careers of the innocent.

Sunday, December 25th

A few hours of sleep, we were off to the races with Sunday’s Festivities.  December 25th is when the residents of the south pole compete in the “Race Round The World.”  The race is approximately 2 miles and can be done on foot, ski, snowmobile, or just about any other means possible.  My good friends Shelly, Adam, and Doug were already competing with some couches being rigged a snowmobile so they hooked up a tow rope and found some skis so I could join in the fun.

As a special treat, we were invited to the camp of some tourists about a kilometer from the station.  Hannah and Ricky were nice enough to write a song about living in a tent next to a government funded research station.  Hannah has skied from the coast to the pole six times and currently is the camp manager.  Ricky was the camp cook, and I've yet to meet a bad cook on contenent. 

Current Weather:
-25.1 °C (-13.2 °F)

-35.2 °C (-31.3 °F)

7.8 kts Grid 106


689.6 mb (3,130 m/10,268 ft)

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