Sunday, November 13, 2016

That one time I slept through a Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake

At 03:11 last night the phone rings in my hotel and somehow I wake up and answer it.  It's USAP Travel,  calling to let me know my flight has been delayed 24 hours due to weather. There were a million questions racing through my head, but I was excited to get to sleep in so I took it at face value and went back to sleep.  I can sleep through anything, so I thought it was weird that I heard the phone ring. 

I woke up around 06:00 as the sun started to come up. As I'm laying in bed,  praying that that call wasn't a dream, my boss sends me a gchat.

"You ok?" is a message you never want to receive from your supervisor,  especially one you haven't met yet and while you're more than 6000 miles from home.

A quick Google search confirmed that there was an earthquake at 12:02 that registered at 7.5, and I slept through it.

I will say that it has been refreshing to have the locals ask me about something other than Trump. 

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